What is desired

The documents offered are original texts, not copies from Wikipedia or tourist websites.
They present your own experience. Photos are most welcome.

What there is to know

The pages displayed on the websites are not compatible with documents produced with Word, LibreOffice... The format is html, and copying/pasting from other documents is difficult.

You want to send us a plain text

Webmasters will have to format the document themselves. You then send us a txt type file, composed, for example, with the notepad of your computer.

You want to propose a layout

You send us a document produced by Word, LibreOffice... The page displayed on the Eurojumelages site will not be exactly the one you present to us. Indeed the display produced by an html browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera...) cannot be identical to that created with a document editor.


The Eurojumelages site is displayed in three languages: French, English, German. Could you provide us with your document in each of the three languages. We will have it checked/corrected by matchmakers whose mother tongue is concerned..



Send us the photos, whether they are included in the text or not, as an attachment. You will ensure: - that they are free of rights - that the persons potentially concerned have given their consent
- that the computer weight of the files is reasonable: each file must have a maximum size of 600kb